MicroHealth (YC S15) Helps Manage Treatment For Patients With Chronic Illnesses

by Alexis Ohanian8/11/2015

For people who have rare and chronic illnesses such as hemophilia, managing their daily symptoms and treatment can be a complicated and tricky task. MicroHealth is a company in our Summer 2015 class that has built a mobile app that detects patients’ most risky symptoms and manages them with timely care from medical professionals.

Today, MicroHealth is being used by more than 10 percent of hemophilia patients in the United States. The patients use MicroHealth to keep track of their treatment infusions and symptoms, and iIn turn, the system notifies their doctors and nurses when a bleed is reported so that they can provide care when needed.

TechCrunch’s Christine Magee wrote about MicroHealth in a story published recently:

“Patients input their symptoms and medication intake into MicroHealth,
which scans prescription labels and prompts them with text messages to
enter periodic updates. The updates are shared with the patient’s doctor
who can use the data to regulate dosage or recommend a different type
of medication, and family, especially when the patient is a child.

This is especially useful for people who suffer from hemophilia, a
condition where the body is not able to produce the protein that makes
blood coagulate. If a patient with hemophilia gets a cut, he won’t stop
bleeding until he intravenously injects enough of this protein.”

Read more about MicroHealth in TechCrunch here.


  • Alexis Ohanian